Saturday, April 04, 2009

India Internet Resilience

Sometimes I wonder if India's Internet infrastructure is resilient enough given the rising conflicts around the world. Some people may wonder whether it is really a necessity. Most people do not realize how much the economy is getting dependant upon the internet which is available today. Though I am  not talking about Die Hard 4 type of scenario, because it is a far off reality but still may happen someday. 

I am talking about how the lives of people and economics of today is influenced by Internet. People increasingly make travel arrangements over Internet, bank transactions and many other things. Non-availability of Internet will bring about chaos and loss of revenue to the industry.

Make the India's Internet independant of the rest of the world. If see-mee-wee cable breaks down, whole of India cannot connect even to local websites. 

All companies based in India must be required to have their servers within India.

All companies and offices should be required to have a disaster recovery plan.

Traffic should be classified in to following based on source and destination: government, national infrastructure (banks, major industries), public. in times of crisis, if bandwidth is scarce, the priority should be in same order. 

There should  be government datacenter to keep priority 1 & 2 data (above).

Govt should make bid datacenters running on solar/wind energy to encourage people to keep servers in India. Private companies may also participate if governement provides  energy and internet links.

India should be connected to following regions with TBPS links: EU, US, China-Japan.

India should in itself have a terabit backbone allowing every household to have at least 54 MBPS ADSL links.

There should be a free DNS server in India with every site in India having an alias. Also, authentication and certificate server.

India should invest more on open-source software.

Even if the Internet backbone links are broken or sabotaged, life in India should go on as usual.

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